
The only thing I can really think of is logging into your Netflix account, changing the linked email address, dialing up your subscription to the 8 DVDs at once (or whatever the maximum is), and changing your mailing address to a P.O. Box, and stealing the shipped DVDs.

Thanks for replying. I'll check it out.

I use a number of extensions with higher permissions than this one requests; I'd just like to know /why/ this one needs that permission. If needs that permission to access the GMail atom feed, great. If it needs that permission to access Google Calendar feeds, great. If it needs that permission to store the feed

Looks interesting, but I'm a bt wary of its ability to access my data on I'm not seeing any explanation in the Chrome Web Store as to why it needs that, nor any linked pages that discuss the extension, as it was released yesterday. Think I'll give it a few weeks to shake out.

Might want to look into the method posted here.

Nested Labels now works somewhat better with Hide if Unread than it did a month ago.

Apple disabled IMAP Notes synching on the iPod Touch 2G and the iPhone 3G with the release of iOS 4.1, and I'd not been able to do it since.

I have a jailbroken iPod Touch 2G.

I tend to exempt GMail from adblocking on my machines, but when an image popped up while they were trialing this a few months ago, I blocked in GMail too, for awhile. Lately, I've been runniing unblocked again, and I'll probably go back to blocking if an image shows up in GMail.

Well, this article is based on the results of a comment vote.

A note on Portable Chrome: It can't autoupdate like regular Chrome, so you'll want to hit PortableApps once a week or so to see if there's a new version if you want to stay as up to date as possible, or rig something with the PortableApps RSS feed and a feed-filtering service

What about iOS devices that were dropped from update support with 4.3? The iPhone 3G still exists, though admittedly in smaller numbers than during its heyday, and was supported through iOS 4.2. Will they get the software update too?

The channel still works if you already put it on your Roku. ANd while, on the whole, it worked fairly well, but every so often, I'd run into issues with videos that wouldn't play properly.

Agreed. About a year ago, I was mucking around with Google Apps Scripting, and bashed together a script that would go to Heavens Above once per day, find out about all the ISS flyovers for the next 10 days, and post them to my Google Calendar.

This is something I'd been mucking around with for a few days now: It's a Yahoo Pipe that allows you to specify a comma-separated list of the various Gawker feeds, and it will go out and grab the RSS feeds from those sites, combine them into one feed , and eliminate duplicate stories that get posted to multiple

If you've paid the $105 dollars to register under the DMCA's Safe Harbor rules, and act promptly to remove copyrighted material when notified, then you're fine.

Having double-checked, it appears to have been one of the Chrome extensions I've installed that's been doing this; Google Calendar (by Google) []

I first noticed the change about the 30th of March in my Google Calendar. When I saw the GMail Blog post, I wondered why it took so long for them to announce it.

Indeed. GMail is designed around the assumption that you are archiving your mail once you're done with it, and works best if you have less than one page's worth of email in the inbox. It took me four years to realize this, admittedly.