
@Aara Farshad 'Malik' Davoodi: You also plug it into an electrical outlet (assuming you didn't get the solar powered version) to electrolyse the water into hydrogen and oxygen.

@gemcosta: I decided to try the 3-disc plan this month. It's nice in that recieve-return-request is a three-day cycle which would result in a new movie every day (save Sunday), but I'm really having trouble actually /watching/ these movies that often. I think I'm going to kick back down to two per month next month.

That is kind of nifty. I primarily use Firefox, and I always found downforeveryoneorjustme's url to be a little unweildy, so I added a Firefox quicksearch bookmark.

@tomsomething: The worlds that have Superman tend to have all the crazy crap our world does, plus all the crazy crap you get from living in a comic book universe.

Not reguarly, no. I did spend some time about a year ago using Windows 7's speech recognition and Notepad to compose sentences, then copy and paste them from Notepad into xChat during an IRC session. Recognition was adequate, process was slow. Probably would have gone better if I had used a client that worked with


@darkNiGHTS: There are a fair few problems with Google Reader's Feed Creator, though. The biggest one I've noticed is that while it monitors changes in the text on a site, if the only thing that changes is an image, it will be ignored by GRFC.

@Gabbelgak: Apple customer service tends to be fairly helpful about that, usually. I routinely hear stories about people who lost their iTunes purchases being reauthorized to re-download by Apple Customer service.

@Janos89: Pretty much every device has interesting and useful information in its manual, and there have been plenty of times, and I say it's about time the manual was available.

@ursa: I suspect that the order of the tabs in the "Devices" menu has something to do with it. I've definitely seen pictures and podcasts dumped in favor of music and movies on a sync.

Has anyone been able to register with SipGate recently? I spent a couple hours trying, only to never receive the confirmation SMS code.

@hengehog: Is there a good portable version yet?

@BobotheTeddy: A solar sail doesn't have to move directly outward. It will get the most momentum by doing so, but it can angle the sail, and pick up at least some push at any angle up within 90% away from the outward direction.

Question: Will it charge your iPad?

@ArmoredCow_Abides: I've got an iPod touch. It shocked the heck out of me the first time I realized it could determine my location without being able to get online.

@UnMicD: The lifehacker article omits the step where you first use the app to measure the distance to the base of the item. There's a significant amount of discussion in the Gizmodo comments, and in the initial source, about how that works.

@ArmoredCow_Abides: The iPod Touch (and wi-fi ipad) uses wi-fi maps generated by SkyHook Wireless to provide location information, even if you can't get online with those wi-fi connections.

@Samo: The image does show a Distance ruler, as well.

@ilovetofu: To do the initial location search and map downloading, yeah, you'll need a wi-fi signal you can connect to.