
Anyone know of a free app that will run a wallpaper clock?

Strangely, there were no recipes for vegetarian or vegan turducken found.

@theDevilsDue: It's probably working off wifi MAC address data that was gathered the last time the Google Street View Car or a Skyhook Wireless vehicle came through the area.

The ability to do a password recover from any email you previously associated with the account does help you if your primary email account is stolen.

Does the iTunes store allow GMail plus-addressing, and consider it a different email account?

While it's half the time it took for Vista to sell 100 million licenses, and there are roughly a billion PCs in use worldwide, it doesn't directly translate to 10% of computers using 7.

@cormic: Indeed. I remember using Mosaic, but I couldn't tell you which version was the first one I used.


Blast, I was hoping this battle wouldn't show up here.

Reminscent of another OS numbered 7.

I've been using Yahoo Pipes a lot lately, mysefl. Sometimes to strip out unwanted items, other times to make feeds more useful, and once to rework the scheduling episode deliver of Jack Horkheimer's "The Star Gazer" podcast into iTunes. Currently, I'm testing a pipe that will notify me of the Google Doodle, as the

You should probably keep in mind your sending limits, though. Throw out a large number of undeliverables, or hit 500 recipients in 24 hours (100 if POPing or IMAPping, but I don't think that applies here) and GMail will lock you out of your account for a day.

@januno: I have to disagree with your claim that a human couldn't have figured out the example pattern, though.

@David Melton: It is, actually. The rational numbers are a subset of the complex numbers.

@maltesh: Having checked, it does indeed work on complex numbers.

Was misled by subject, trick only works on integers. What happens if the device breaks or is stolen?

Another thing I personally got a little lax with, but have since repaired:

@Improbable: Firefox will let you set a Master Password.