
@majorace: Yeah, if a Bedford Hills Radio Shack overcharged me, I'd probably go jump off a bridge or something.

@Unionhawk: Seems like hitting the other two radio buttons would be the thing to do, then.

@DBeta: Google seems to report that a human can survive about an hour or two on the air in a coffin. Your typical room is going to be several dozen times that volume, so suffocation is unlikely unless you are forever trapped in the room, and can never open a door or window if it starts getting too stuffy for your

I would stop hiring Discount Ninjas, and get Name Brand Ninjas.

Perhaps if it was folded inside-out, so the return address appeared in the standard location.

@sqlfanatic: Presumably, the same way the BIOS knows what time it is.

@maltesh+lifehacker: Holy crap, it looks like they may have fixed it. I might actually be able to use Remote again.

@rootyb: The beauty of lighting the match is that people will not care that you turned the bathroom into a tiny olfactory hell because the bathroom is now on fire.

I'm guessing this won't fix the audiobook/podcast synching issue; namely that iTunes ignores the "Last Modified" data from the iPod Touch if the iTunes copy isn't at 00:00.

It's about bloomin' time. Guess which site I chose to create a feed for first?

@infmom: Personally, I usually wind up using iTunes, SlideShow Assembler, and a couple other free programs to add chaptermarks to every audiobook that I rip for my iPod. The whole process is a bit involved, and takes me about an hour or two, but it's free, and I find it invaluable if I want to listen to an audiobook

Desktop. Don't own a notebook yet. Would love suggestions on something small and inexpensive whose primary use is going to be internet and accessing the primary machine when away from home.

Note that this method finds you South if you're north of the Tropic of Cancer and North if you're south of the Tropic of Capricorn. If you're between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, it'll depend on your latitude and the day of the year you check. On the Equator, you'll tend to get North between March 20 and

@Unionhawk: Are there any antiviruses that install /without/ admin privileges? It seems a bit like going to a mechanic who isn't allowed to lift the hood.

The iPod Touch does have some geo-location features, thanks to Skyhook Wireless' efforts, allowing the iPod Touch to give you a general location based on nearby mapped wi-fi signals.

@gazer: After Midnight would be a typical time for a Webcomic that faithfully keeps an update schedule. Some of the webcomics I read update at Midight in Atlantic, Eastern, Central, Mountain, or Pacific time. I'm the type of person who will wake up at 3 or 4AM sometimes, and get on the computer if I feel like it.
