I agree! But can we skip the Riddler stuff? Or no, maybe keep it in and have Batman wonder how on Earth Riddler got around to placing all those questionmarks.
“in that he felt the beyond-intricate narrative of the comics would be better served by a miniseries instead of a feature-length film.”
It’s my one good feature though. Don’t you dare take it away from me!
Yeah thanks, I’ve already got one version of this spiel.
It’s a shame to hate ones own gender.
And you are a misandris. Congrats. We’re both terrible!
Well you did write ‘rant’ and I’ve done my share of that because of how awfully miscast Brie Larson is in that role. I just figured you meant every man.
I’m not taking it personally. I just find it stupid on both sides! Don’t praise Captain Marvel to the heaves JUST because the main character is a woman! What alliterator said was just a stupid joke on equally moronic people who hated Captain Marvel because the main character is a woman. It’s either black or white now…
Because I don’t agree with that you’re calling me a misogynist or?
I’m trying. Kinja is the fucking worst though and it doesn’t work well with Firefox.
Well yikes, so I’m only allowed to comment on something that impacts me and only me?
What’s a rant though? At least you gave me an answer as opposed to Bronto who just seems ready to fight.
Vent? I’m as calm can be. You’re the one who’s answering for other people so just dial down.
I just feel it’s kinda mean getting called a misogynist if I don’t enjoy wooden terrible acting, but you know whatevs.
So I’m a misogynist if I didn’t love Captain Marvel?
He’s probably sincere but wow he comes off as douchey!
I agree! I mean fair enough they don’t want to pay for the actors but face tech has been really great for years now, so it doesn’t make sense that we see these dead eyed husks.
Not only that, I saw it in the movies on a ferry! Bow to me mortals!