
I mean the guy is 33 so I wouldn’t call him fresh faced but yeah I wouldn’t mind an at his peak Batman punching bad guys and solvin’ shit!

I don’t recall any critics praising the CGI in Aquaman?

Well, I don’t like the taste of shit so.

Since when have they’ve been hit? They haven’t, imo, made a good movie since The Dark Knight Rises and even that has problems.

But do you trust WB enough? Because I sure don’t!

Strange, it’s not region blocked for me in Denmark.



Clint didn’t really laugh though.

That would definitely be wonderful steps in the right direction! 

True, but might as well try to cure the disease instead of the symptoms.

It’s wonderful that so many celebrities bring attention to these archaic and worrying problems but until all religion is made illegal in the US nothing is going to happen!
It’s a country of freedom oppressors who hide under guise of God and love.

Read this! A stupid moron with an ugly face and a big butt and their butt smells and also they like to kiss their own butt faked going to Coachella!

I didn’t want to use the word ‘cringey’. Now, it’s just a fucking movie, we’re all gonna die anyway so who the fuck cares.

Gaslighting them? Oh man, you’re off your nut. Bye troll!

It’s 2019, that’s basically impossible.

Let myself off the hook? Was I on a hook? Did I do something illegal?

I don’t know if it angers me as much as it bothers me but sure. You win buddy! I hope you find peace.

At least you’re more civilized than Yummsh!

Oh come on. “One of the coolest moments in the film”? That’s not me being snide and yes these movies are also kid friendly but no. This is not me being snide or rude or condescending but the coolest moment in the film was Captain Marvel shredding Ronan’s ship without even fucking trying.