
It’s such a shame he’s SO Christian :( 

Alright, I dislike Kevin Hart as much as the next normal person but can we give it a fucking break now?

Didn’t Family Guy already do this joke?

Go be old and offended somewhere else.

I saw it, didn’t want to but my movie friend wanted. Afterwards he kinda wished he hadn’t seen it.

rebel leader Anna Fang (Jihae)—who swoops in, Han Solo style, to help Hester and Thaddeus out of a jam”

Are you kidding?! He was the most dull of all!

If the episode starts with Dexter killing someone named Scott Something or Mr. Buck, that would be great. 

Wow! You’ve got waymore choices than me in Denmark!

This just made me hate rap even more! 

Me either, he’s just terrible. Like, objectively. He’s not even a good actor.

Does that guy have piercings on his nails? 

What the fucking fuck!? 

I think too many people hear phrases like that and, like Oliver showed with Trump, they don’t really know what it means or even like it - but it sounds good! 

Hey, it may have been a merely okay show but Ksenia Solo as a goth was the reason we kept watching! 

“Man, I’ve lost SO much blood. Better get to the hotel.

What the hell is going on? 

He was a very considerate fellow. 

As long as it’s not total fucking shit like Kingsman 2. 

Yeah you’re probably right. I mean, who wants to live in a better world?