
Is there any way for Euro trash like me to get access to Hulu?

I had a customer who looked exactly like Labyrinth era Connelly and was about to mention it, then I noticed he wasn’t a woman.

Wow, that IS ugly!

Got any pics of that statue?

Whose vagina is Patrick Stewart licking?

I watch Tested so little I don’t even know who Frank is!

I feel like Tested should be one of my favorite youtube channels but I just hate Norm Chan so so much!

Yeah, there aren’t many saints in that story.

I’ve been kinda watching this show and like some parts of it though I have to ask, is it the acting or the writing that’s bad?

You’re such a T-Rumper!

“(and it’s easy-to-use”

Aaw, he gained the weight back unfortunately.

Except Mayim Bialik.

I agree with you. This whole thing has completely escalated.

Sometimes I forget how angry I get at you Americans for your puritan ways and then I remember all the wonderful products you have.

It sounds fantastic though.

What a fucking little shit he is.

Is another culture’s... tape?

He’s trying to break his brother out of jail!