
I mean, if they didn't cancel it when it was boring. They certainly won't cancel it when it's bonkers.

Why are you crazy people still covering this trainwreck?

Her neck is 4 feet long.

2 helpings?! This I gotta see!

Will this then lead to the rise of Mecha-Hitler?

I still guffaw like an idiot when I read/hear that line!

Hopefully Dr. Ken got cancelled because it total shit, and not because of Ken Jeong.

"That's a beautiful name! What does it mean?"

I bailed about 20 minutes in. So maybe that's why I hate it so much.

I tried to watch it, in hopes of seeing some awesome boobage. However it was an extremely pretentious film.
Also I can't stand James Franco, and for some reason a fat man named Gucci Mane (actual name I think) was in it.

What is it with you and girls in handcuffs?!

Damn, that sucks.

Are you guys not covering Arrow anymore?

But you are extremely beautiful now, right?

And in a stunning move, surprising nobody…

This movie has a vampire AND an explosion!

A child of God being bored with Nazi magic is a child denied entrance to Heaven.

I'd be okay with a more quiet Hellboy. No need for several huge fight scenes.

The little lipbalm that could!

Ah, the lovely countryside of Franch.