
That would be metal as fuck.

Wizard of Oz is one of those movies that, as a non American, I will never be able to wrap my head around how many people enjoy.

Saw it tonight, one of the most gorgeous Marvel, hell any, film to date! Explosions of color, fantastic worlds, awesome sets. Ego's museum thing was extremely impressive - that floor looked awsome!

Idris Elba is so fucking cool.

You always have a way of calming me.

Why even care about people who call themselves "Hispanics for Trump"?

You did do some gross stuff to a LOT of colored people.

I'm just hijacking this thread. Why aren't you monsters covering Into the Badlands?

Then you and I have to very differing agendas. Good day, sir!

I still think he could pull of playing Sandman.

But then there stupider Americans would be in here, furrowing their brow in a vain attempt to understand the situation.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love Legion, but wouldn't Spider-Man for example be a bit boring?
Or maybe I'm thinking too much inside the box?

So do I Neil, so do I.

I like the title for its click-baity name but I also dislike the title because I'm slightly reminded of that god awful MTV video "New Years Resolution for White Guys" or something in that vein.
Even though that's not the case.

They'll be back, and in greater numbers. Or not, maybe there's something good on TV.

I was way way too young when it aired so I had some insane nightmares about that baby.
Fun fact, the baby is played by Non-Danish person Udo Kier!

"Riget" is what we Danes call the biggest hospital in Denmark, short for "Rigshospitalet"

Yes, of course you may bring the… brewskis.

I don't like Trier either but, as a Dane, I still love his mini series Riget is still fantastic. The American one was shit. If you get a chance - watch it. It's super scary & fun.