
McDonalds is so uppity!

I don't even read the title!

Far out dude!

That's a dumb reason. You're a big dummy Toryn!

Why does an 18 or so year old have a curfew?


Oooh, MANdy!

D'yeees, and yet…

Also Robyn. Fuck Robyn!

It'll be 2 good and 1 great against 1 so the odds are good.
I just hope DD will be able to beat Iron Fist and that it will become a running joke during the series.

You should go to jail.

What size shoe do you wear?

I remember first hearing it back when they announced Arkham City, like any level-headed fan boy I raged and fumed.
Then some years later I played DC universe online where Arleen was still under contract back during development and boy did she sound like Harley was on valium! There was no emotion in it at all compared

Whitewashing! Why couldn't they use normal Asiatic elephants? It had to be Hollywood engineered super elephants!

If you haven't seen Drive Angry, then you need to treat yo'self.

The poster for this film is just her facing the camera while taking a huge dump on a glass table.

Damn, this movie sound pretentious!

I was hoping for Sexplosion.

"First, Teen Titans Go! is still on and it’s still great"

I want to make a joke about how awful Madonna is, but everybody seems just a little too tense.