

S'gonna be great!

Your link don't work.

Haha, yeah I remember that!

Also, if you count the first trailer, then female characters were shown for probably 3 full seconds combined, what the fuck? Did Sony got scared of MJ backlash after Ghosbusters bombed or something?

I got annoyed with Cassidy because she literally wears 1024 rings on each finger. It's fucking stupid looking yo!

This series can show Kyle being beaten to death and Harold chopping up dead bodies, but Claire can’t say the word “fuck”?

Unsatisfying amount of boobage.

10-15 years later: "Sorry ma'am, you have stomach cancer." "How?! I'm a vegan!" "Did you eat multicolored shit when it was popular?" "Oh. That."

Wow, that actually sounds awesome!

I like how those are the downsides of the Hand's resurrection magic, you get progressively aggressive (good band name btw) and you mess with other people by suggesting weird flavors.

Finally, I was waiting for this review.

Tough, but fair!


Aah, this douses the fire.

I'm laughin' already!

I tried reading the comments on but I got angry from all the positivity. I need some snark and people who don't like this trailer. STAT!

Come on, you so would live in a Giger designed building!


Batdame? Batskirt? Some other 40's throwback slang?