
lol! noone's that dum!

Now I can't stop thinking about the Simpsons in Tokyo:

Reward people? Hmm, well these are crazy times after all!

"Do you find something comical about my appearance
when I'm driving my automobile?"

Nah, I'd go mad with power so fast!

Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon

No, beat people who are objectively wrong.

This is always what I tell myself when these morons speak up, they actually know the Earth is round but they really want to go to space! So by aggravating rocket scientists they can be sent up to space, for free!

Why aren't these people beaten?! God dammit this isn't even funny anymore!

I think it's his weird Michael Shannon Texan accent he does that I don't like.

I dunno, I'm on the 12th episode and I still don't like him!

I thought so too, but then he said he doesn't hate black people. You gotta learn to listen Pieman!

Good job everyone! If we keep at it Spencer should kill himself by the end of the month.

Stupid, but acceptable

Just watched the first episode and goodness me is Tom Petridish a terrible actor!

Yeah, I like how Kwame mocks Finn Jones for closing his twitter but they wouldn't dare turn on comments themselves.

This is just one example though, give him a chance.

Regarding point 1, his name is also Cade Fucking Yeager.

That is a fun actually! I really thought it was a variation of Johan.