
It's because he stupid, that's why! That's why anyone does anything!

Ioann Gruffud or something along those lines?

Would the rest of the cast still be children?

You can get pictures on clothing now?! Why the hell am I still sewing burlap clothing?!

Thanks for the recommendations!

Better than Suicide Squad's June Moon.

Me too.
Yeah, us Eurotrash always gets the raw end of the deal.

Could we get a working video player up in this joint?

They should let teachers beat children again. Sure, you might end up with some heavily traumatized children but imagine people not being stupid!

I still don't understand how it's legal to be this stupid.

Are you saying Trump is Maxie Zeus?

Wow, Wanda Sykes? She so relevant still!

This Dr. Luke fella doesn't seem quite on the level.


It's Kurns, stupid!

Color me unsurprised when they announce Dev Patel.

Your lust far outweighs the terror!

Like most things with actors, yes a complete non-issue.

You gotta hand it to him though.
Getting into Hollywood with that name? Well done!

Mmmh, Tessa Thompson. She's so dang purty!