
Is your last name really Cupcake? Like really really? Not the fake last name thing because your grandparents came to Ellis Island as Gertrude and Ishmael Cupsteincakeberg?

Don't. Praise. The Yumzux!

I get why people enjoy Constantine but Max Payne was fucking shite.

You can disagree all you want but Satan is in the movie. It's the always great Peter Stormare.

I didn't really care that much about her character, sure it was cool she was mute, but it's still terribly awful Ruby Rose.

Exactly how naked will Rose Leslie be in this?

So long as it's not Ruby Rose.

Oh geez. Are we gonna be on the show too?

But none of you are TV pretty.

You said it. I need to try to stop understanding them.

I'm not saying it's impossible but how could that be done without completely rewriting society?

(Prelude - I'm from Denmark)

Even Tracy Morgan?

Saw this yesterday, much better than the first one and what a tremendous cast!
Except for Ruby Rose, she's turrble.

Dude, this is nothing but a mental block. Go back to the school! Restraining order be damned and belt your heart out!

He such a fucking asshole.


weariness at carrying an entire cinematic universe on his shoulders.

You're only fucking morons on some things.

You Americans are so silly.