
Only 2 hours in to Thanksgiving and he can't stand up straight.

Hey! Steve Bannon might look like a bloated grim reaper but he's not some booze crazed maniac!

He looks like Rosie O'Donnell from 10 years ago.

You guys are nerds!

This is why I gave up on the Flash. I don't want soap. I want Barry punching people at near speed of light dammit!

I hate that fake pseudo diplomacy bullshit. Just tell them the truth. "The script sounded interesting and I got lots of money so stfu - don't watch if you don't like it"

I like you though.

Of course. We mustn't forget the most important feature.

She's hiding a smaller Christina Hendricks head a la Knoxville in MIB 2.

Christina Ricci's body scares me. She has the body of an 11 year old but the head of a gray alien.

Oh please, Rosario Dawson is leagues ahead of Christina Hendricks!

Just once I wish a celebrity who got accused of whitewashing would simply respond: "Shut the fuck up" followed by some sort of pic of them playing the banjo with a chimp or something.

Dikachu will be in his rocking chair on the porch, screaming obscenities at anyone who doesn't have a giant penis on their face.

Just give 'em the ole' hover hand! That shows confidence!


Robots AND magic? Hell yeah!

Long time friends?

I realize it was joke but yeah, imagine the female interns that voted for Trump who actually want to fucking work there and risk having their labia pulled! Would they enjoy it?

That's even worse!
