
Pro Brono lawyers, man.

Why is this mentally unsound guy getting ANY media attention?

Ah that may have something to do with it. I like her fine, I just hate her name. If her parents wanted to call their child Alfred then just keep having children until you have a boy!

Fo realzies!?

You sick freak.

Fair play. Yeah, there's not much charisma. It's kind of a strange trailer because even though it's about Danny Rand, there's very little Danny Rand in it. It's mainly Iron Fist. Which, ya know, makes sense.

No way!

How come?

Better than Robyn in JJ in every imaginable parallel universe.

Connected to each other or some kind of hive mind thing?

And in just 3 easy steps. I'll show you how to bite your nails down to the nub!

Bit wordy innit?

Thank you Paramount.

Not technically. Some of the most poorly optimized games I've ever played.

Goddamnit I hate funko pops.

How the hell do you even function with that much junk in your system?

I just hate them so much!

Remember that scene in Shutter Island? It would've greatly benefitted from googly eyes!

Oh come on! I didn't antagonize that many jews.

Also Jennifer Carpenter!