
How often do we hear "mah nigga?"

"look better with googly eyes added to them"

I love the 20 something year old "It's time for the adults to be in charge!"

Who still shops at GameStop?

I wonder if this Emily Kapnek is a redhead.

Fuck cilantro! Now and forever!

It's true. We are worms writhing around only to blessed by the light of our betters.

I mean, great that she's happy and wants to share I guess but the veil? The flowers?

How can anyone take this seriously?

"Find out how much obscure Rick And Morty trivia you already know with this video"

Perfect smell placement!

He's playing the au gratin potatoes.

"You've gotten by on your boyish looks for TOO LONG!" - F. Time

What row were you sitting in?

Billy Boyd is nearly 50. Holy shit!

I am. Damn opposed! Damn, damn DAMN opposed!

Holy. Shit.

"The Flintstones has been called “the most woke comic book of 2016” "

I blame the handlebar moustache!

She's fantastic!