
I can understand this. FMA inter-connected people SO MUCH MORE, from Lust now being Scar’s brother’s girlfriend to Wrath being both the keeper of Edward’s missing limbs and Izumi’s child.

How could you POSSIBLY have drank the Reformed Jax koolaid?? He spent the whole season trying to tear down James (who is also awful, bless this show) for....mentioning the very well known fact Jax cheated...? And his reactions to Brittany’s father and brothers last week was insane. He is a monster and will always be a

Those dumbass White supremacists accidentally supported the thesis of the author’s book and inadvertently brought more attention to his book than it would have received otherwise lol.

Who exactly are these more creative “people” you speak of? I hope you’re not referencing the gay community. “Okurrr” has been around in the Bronx for a decade now.

Given that Cardi lifted “okurrr” from people with more creativity and worse branding than she has, I think she’s exactly the Thomas Edison of okurrr. 

God bless her.

Can we stop paying attention to this mediocre women’s who’s literal, actual, only job is to get people to tune in to see what asinine, backwards shit she says? Meghan McCain exists only to get blog posts about her, like this. That’s it.

Oh! You know what they should do? Have your character wear, like, a chicken hat or a diaper for the next five online matches.

Players who do this are robbing themselves of practice time that might make all the difference when they find themselves on the verge of losing against a future opponent. cheating not only the game but themselves. They don’t grow. They don’t improve. They take a shortcut and gain nothing. Nothing was risked and

Was just speaking to my friends about this supposed outrage, and man, how far have we fallen to take offense in having a black character going back in time to prevent slavery. It's not only outrageous, it's sad . . .

True, and the white people who work there must be extra stupid or evil, because you would have to be not to acknowledge how fucked up that ad is. This is like that Pepsi thing all over again.

um, Trump said anything yet? he also commented on Notre Dame.. but nah, never mind.

Well, see, that cathedral was a symbol of domination upon the poor and a sign of the extravagance of the ruling class, so no matter how Pence feels about Catholicism, he’ll lend a shoulder to cry on.

Mike Pence on Notre Dame, yesterday:

And every last one of the officers is a bald white guy with a beard...

“I think it’s pretty apparent that Mr. Lieu believes that black people are stupid and will not pursue the full clip...That was unbelievably dishonest … I’m deeply offended by the insinuation of revealing that clip without the question that was asked of me,” Owens said, Business Insider reports.

I wonder if one day she will grow to regret what she is doing and the harm that it is causing?

There was a comment on Twitter with the frozen face of Joy Behar at that moment that read: Joy Behar found herself with the same issue that many black people have faced when dealing with an unruly white person: “Just how black am I going to have to be today, to deal with this shit?” Welcome to the club Joy.

All Meghan McCain is going to do is cry and mention her dad tomorrow and all will be forgiven. Because White women’s tears run the world and, despite underwhelming mediocrity, their proximity to the highest powers will always keep them at the table.