
Gee remember back in 1992 when Ice-T released the song cop killer and every law enforcement officer got in their feelings. For those that don’t recall, Ice-T with his heavy metal band Body Count released that song and explained it was about a young black man fed up with the way he and other men of color were treated

This reminds me of the peak “mandatory sentencing” era, when violent robbers and rapists were let out of jail early to make room for the guys selling ten grams.

Fuck anyone who supports “spankings”. Violence is violence. You don’t put your hand on your child to “teach them a lesson” because the only lesson they are learning is that you can’t control your anger and that violence is a reasonable reaction to anger and frustration. Then they grow up to become this asshole. 

God forbid she should be with her mother the pot smoker. Instead of her father, a man so violent there was blood spatter. 

Wypipo: “Why don’t black people protest when it’s black on black crime??”

These two jiggaboo’s are just the kind wypipo just love to trot out as their (fill in the blank) _____to say they’re not racist! I’d like to see their taxes to see who’s paying them cause they can’t being doing this shyt for free!

So when is Belgium going to run these people their checks? Because apologies doesn’t keep you from 3rd class status and poverty.

Yes!!! I’m worried as fuck about the live action part but at least Jet Black is going to be fire.

Why are we even giving this stain of human excrement the time of day? Better things to discuss. Like Mustafa Shakir is going to be Jet Black in the live action Cowboy Bebop. That’s good news. Worried about the Netflix movie, happy about casting!

They look like central casting for serial killers.


So the penalty for this brain trust is they get their weekends ruined for a while. Guess society’ll have to wait for them to elevate their hate game before any real punishments are handed out.

Curtiss and Lipp pleaded not guilty to the crimes, but according to the Baltimore Sun, both agreed to the statement of facts presented by prosecutors. Their request to dismiss the hate crime charges was denied by a judge, and on Thursday afternoon, they received their sentences.

One more time: ALL SKIN FOLK AIN’T YOUR KIN FOLK. Funniest shit ever has been watching him & Marcia Clark spend the last 25 years blaming everyone but themselves for how the OJ trial turned out. 

For anyone curious, the character of Spike Spiegel, both his design and his personality, is based on a character named Shunsaku Kudo (played by Yusaku Matsuda), the lead of a 1970s Japanese cop show called “Tantei Monogatari” (Detective Story).

On the upside, at least they did not cast Scarlett Johansson as Spike. On the downside, John Cho is about as far from what I would want in a Spike as you can get. (Well, aside from Scarlett, anyway.) Hopefully he proves me wrong, but you need someone with the personality of a Chow Yun-fat. Have never seen that out of

Praise the Lord and all the powers that be. Her initial charges were outrageous. I can’t imagine how this would have went without that video showing up.

Yo, I literally forgot this motherfucker existed. And I’m about to forget again in 5 minutes.

It’s funny how Epic talks about being against Valve’s “anti-competitive” practices yet are quick to make all of these games exclusive to one storefront meaning there’s no competition. Can’t really have it both ways. The only people winning in all of this are the publishers cashing all of these checks from Epic.

This is scary and reminds me of the Duke rape scandal (“Protect our boys!”) I hope homegirl is safe and has a good support system because this is about to get ugly.