Former Vice President Joe Biden is looking like he’s going to add his name to the already crowded Democratic primary…
Before we begin, let me assure you that no one is outraged.
The option of leaving Syria, Turkey and Russian with a free hand to commit war crimes and genocide against the Kurds is not the option as a liberal I want to take.
It’s no secret that Jesus Christ, known in Christian circles as the Son of God, is often depicted as a white man.…
For any reasonable person, the correct response to Donald Trump’s proposed border wall between the United States and…
Does that headline sound familiar at all?
Yes. Her general point distracts from the problem and frames it instead as some sort of competition among minority women instead of a fight against white patriarchy.
But I also want to call out one of those tweets embedded for its logical fallacy because there are enough legitimate points to bring up in this…
Except the voters - they are made in Russia.
You think it pisses people off to know you spent $55 dollars for something worth 2 bucks and that warns them you’re trash?
Now that the victorious glow for several high-profile candidates of color has worn off slightly—an inevitability…
What did Maiysha say about your acid washed jeans?
Living in a city of bottoms like San Diego, I can say that I am in no rush for there to be competition. I am living my best life thank you.
#BringBackOurTops is the equivalent to the #WhereTheSt8MenAt campaign in Atlanta.
It is said that an angel receives a glass of mimosa every time a gay man finds a lover. Even angels know brunch is…
Fun fact: I’ve been low-key lobbying for us, just once, to turn The Root 100 into a costume party, where all of the…
At this point if black women said “fuck all of yall” and boarded a spaceship and peaced out Id wish them nothing but the best, we dont deserve their presence on this planet
One of the more bizarre twists in the ongoing story of Megyn Kelly’s ignominious exit from NBC News was the report…
If it seems like we’re running one of these stories every other week (or more), we are—and that’s a good thing.…