
"generous draught of what appeared to be scotch"

Maybe that's why this is happening so much:

Gotta Have Drakes Cakes on the dessert menu.

Noooooooooooo way.

" in Germany that hate Nazis more vehemently than we ever could, but they're also sick of Americans living in the past."

He just announced that "Einstein" and "Miller" are coming backā€¦that's enough to put him away for life, unless he kills them off in a comedic way.

"Simon & Simon"s Jameson Parker with the Magnum 'stache, Victor Wong, Alice Cooper and the great Donald Pleasence? This is a perfect Saturday night flick.

Back then many department stores had ticket counters in their customer service areas. My store was Hecht's. I slept on a curb overnight, woke up, and a few hours later made my way through women's lingerie only to see the "sold out" sign taped on the window in front of me.

And Elliott Ness' once had a team of 50, not four. Are you suggesting a screenwriter took creative license to make a movie more compelling? Nitti's death is a highlight, especially due to the fact that he killed a 100% fictional character played by a beloved actor who won an Oscar for his performance.

I realize some people like to try him in the court of public opinion every time he pops up in a story, but the guy is extremely talented so it's not a surprise he's working again. The list is long of Hollywood types given second, third chances.


When Billy Eichner wins we all lose.

Yea Jersey Boys, Heareafter, J Edgar, Invictus and Sully were essentially military recruitment films.

Meatballs: infield single
Stripes: Stand up triple
Ghostbusters: Grand Slam

No she haunted the college in the Rodney Dangerfield movie


Somebody get Slade an apple crate, stat!

Shorty Got Lowe
HelLowe, I Love You
A Charming FelLowe

On two long flights recently, watched Logan, John Wick: Chapter 2, and Get Out. All three were over-hyped to me before viewing, and I watched them all skeptically. Logan and Wick were great, Get Out pretty good but predictable.

Maybe if he refused her hug while on a college campus? Still the Devil?