[LDR] Watkins Glen, 2:25 in a Civic? I think so

"And that concludes our crumple zone test. Next, we'll show you how our crash avoidance system works...."

@Allradantrieb: They may be titanium, but I was expecting a far more elegant or even somewhat complex arm instead of a simple single-action hinge.

Is it me or do the hood hinges looks like they belong on a barn door?

@CJinSD: Sir, your comment is full of WIN!

Fookin' aye!

@OA 5599: I see what you did there

Wow - Chrysler's pre-production testing looks pretty strenuous.

@vavon205: Thank you, vavon; and thank you, edit button!

Hey, it's Terry the tiger!

@Addidas: Exactly what I thought. I didn't see any ownage either - only some ass kissing.

It's not immersive enough - I didn't see the hood crunch when he hit that tree.

This was such a hard pick for me. While I'm not old enough to have seen all of these as optional, I have experienced each one in it's own way.

Finished 8th? Must have been all those right turns throwing him off.