
How dare anyone interfere with our God-given mandate to go 16-0.

Seahawks are already down 17-0 to Pittsburgh. It's all because of the refs I tell you!

You're not fooling anyone, Cena.


Here I am, with a grand total of zero tweets: []


That's a face only a sedimentary rock could love.

No way, those are classics.

"Loogit! I can finally touch my nipple to my knob-end!"

They're still breeding a super race, though.

His only demand is that Jonathan Bornstein must be granted Egyptian citizenship immediately.

Whatever you see commenters doing on the other Gawker sites, do the exact opposite here.

Good idea, and integrate snake handling into your act while you're at it.

Pete Carroll's Playbook

Learner's Permit to Ill

As a Gooner, I'd like nothing more than to see Nasri get his legs taken out.

I don't know if you're a zoologist or not, but that's actually how the Ursus Arctos behaves in the wild.

'09 Seahawks:

Fluffernutters are a better lay.