
Heineken, Texas Heat Burger, Curb, white t-shirt and US Navy sweats, dermatitis on right arm, the neighbor's cat, ur mom.

That's the one I always get. It's perfect.

"THIS is what you get for losing my Hogwarts acceptance letter!"

Genius. +1

The Buzz Bissinger - Mark Cuban Twitter fight.

Judging by SpreadBunny's background picture, I don't think that question was even worth asking.

6'3"? I didn't know they stacked shit that high.


I've always been more of a foon fan myself.

SpaghettiOs. You can't go wrong with fake Italian food in a can.

Put his hand in pee and then dump warm water on him.

Engorged majesty

@Steve_U: Excellent show, and the Deadspin reference was just the icing on the cake.

@YourCommentsSuck: Dude, if you can quote the rules, then you can fucking obey them.

Finishing the last of the Widmer Hefeweizen from last night.

Mark my words: Snow vulva will have its day.

"I'm surprised anybody would be considering mixing any type of food or beverage with the bathroom setting. Unless you're doing hard time, of course. Then by all means go ahead and brew your toilet hooch."

Karl Malone has also maintained that Karl Malone doesn't think much of the kids these days.