
damn, beat me to the reference.

Have you no’ got any tabs to go with it?

Gotta love a meat onna stick.

(Coincidentally, this morning my radio alarm went off, on a classical station that was just introducing the Blue Danube.  And I was thinking to myself, how could you think of anything but this sequence, when hearing that music; and how amazing it was that the movie chose to use those classical pieces.)

I remember this ad... I'm old... 

I remember this ad... I'm old... 

Oh man, my dad worked for Compaq back in the day, and before that Tandem!

Oh man, my dad worked for Compaq back in the day, and before that Tandem!

It’s amazing to think that with all that cocaine at their disposal, the best they could come up with was ‘Bone Fone’.

It’s amazing to think that with all that cocaine at their disposal, the best they could come up with was ‘Bone Fone’.

Instagram will email you when your photos are officially ready to download and will include a link for you to grab them.

None of these alliums are interchangeable and have their own flavor and texture profiles. I’m Asian American and regularly use scallions in fried rice and other stirfries as well as a garnish on soups, etc. - leeks, chives, shallots, etc. would not be the same in those recipes just as scallions would not work in my

I don’t know about you, but I’m intrigued over the prospects of wearing a thong and cooking with hot oil. Nothing will surely go wrong there.

I don't like coffee, so never have it around.  I have tried hot chocolate and a dark stout thought with satisfying results. 

I like this! Was thinking a small dash of Vanilla too, or imitation rum.

I’ve never seen those at our Costco, but that’s pretty much what I made out of some rotisserie chicken just last night. For an investment of a dozen flour tortillas, about half a bag of Mexican-blend shredded cheese (also from Costco), a can of green enchilada sauce, a can of black beans, maybe a third of the bird,

Damn, I love my SE. Small enough for my shirt pocket. Now WTF am I supposed to do when this thing breaks?

And his brother, the fellow to the left of Patty Duke Astin, is in The Magicians, on SYFY, which should soon (next year?) be in Season 3.

I started that for a bit as an adolescent because a friend I thought was cool did it. My mom put her foot down and said “YOU’RE USING THEM TO DRY YOUR CLEAN BODY. HOW FILTHY DO YOU THINK YOUR CLEAN BODY IS?”

What’s even weirder is how some are way sexier than others.

The only thing I find more repugnant than a Vapor Bro, are the people who act so put out by Vapor Bros.

If you dont want to vape, then good for you. If you dont want people vaping near you, then walk the fuck away or simply ask them not to. These are really simple concepts and no fault can be found in them.

Coming on

(Australian here) Ohhh, in America that’s what you call spring rolls? I’ve seen references to “egg rolls” in all sorts of American pop culture stuff, always figured it must be a filling wrapped in a soft egg based wrapper. You learn something new every day.

Honestly, I think the ShibSibs were robbed of silver. P/C were overscored in both programs technically. For example, it looked to me (and others as well) that their twizzles were off. Yet, they received the same executed element score as the ShibSibs. And, let’s not even discuss how Hubbel/Donohue scored more than