
Personally, I occasionally will add — in addition to the mayo, salt + pepper + Spike®, and finely sliced scallions + carrots — a sardine or two, and perhaps some minced kimchee.

“Friends, Romans, countrymen ... I cannot unlock your phones, please lend me your ears.”

Friends, Romans, countrymen ... I cannot unlock your phones, please lend me your ears.

Actually for the most part (except for the scorpions) they are quite tasty and crunchy. Like popcorn (well sorta like popcorn) with salt and spice. The downside: the cricket legs can get stuck in your teeth.

Meanwhile at one of the thousands of Thai street vendors, “May I interest you in some fried crickets, silkworm larvae, grasshoppers, bamboo worms, water beetles, spiders, scorpions, or stir-fried bees?”.

Having lived a few blocks over the DC/MD border being welcomed home by this every day after work always made me smile.

Do it for the kids!

In the manner of Albert Burneko’s classic Foodspin style: Acquire a gorgeous beef steak. Allow it to breathe freely on the counter and get to room temperature. Salt and pepper both sides then pan fry it in a cast iron skillet. Once done, while it is resting on a plate, deglaze the skillet with a tasty dark beer (such

Guess who’s coming back?

Ah, New Zealand. The land of hobbits and outrageous outdoor fun.

Thanks, no thanks.

The more obvious solution: proboscis condoms.

Marmite’s for poms. After a hard yakka what you need is some buttered toast with Vegemite and a cuppa.

She could have said nothing. If pressed she could have simply said as a US citizen since she was around fifteen she would prefer not to comment on the affairs of other countries.

Friends don’t let their friends buy round pencils. These pencils don’t roll, by design.

Two words, that is all the truck has to have painted on its side and I will beat a path to its side: Frozen Custard. When I was a kid there was a vendor right on the beach. Salty lips and frozen custard were made for each other.

How would you compare TLDR with the site you wrote about on May 19 of this year, I Lazy to Read?

True enough. I travel a lot and though podcasts are great I prefer to listen to my local NPR station. Familiar voices, my local and national and international news, BBC and The Weekly every day, and on weekends Wait Wait Dont Tell Me and more.

Fortunately my local station, broadcast from the state university, has an

If you’re falling asleep while listening to a podcast it may be time to revamp your podcast list.