
GoodTwitter is an add-on you might consider. It forces your browser to use old Twitter. It is available for Firefox and Chrome.

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Jimmy may’ve been Winn’s buddy, but it is Mon-El with whom he chose to explore the universe.

I too enjoy reading about whats coming up. But how many non-beta warriors find themselves looking at their settings before realizing, Hey, I can’t see that because the update hasnt come out yet!”.

At least have the courtesy to give the readers a heads up: “Here’s whats coming but you wont be able to see it until

This is great stuff but wouldn’t it be more helpful if you gathered all these tips and hints and posted them just before or around the time iOS 13 is actually released to the general public in friggin September?

Not every one of your readers has the time, or wherewithal to be a beta warrior.

AmazonBasics post-Prime Day specials? You got my interest.

Wait, what?

AmazonBasics post-Prime Day specials? You got my interest.

Wait, what?

AmazonBasics post-Prime Day specials? You got my interest.

Wait, what?

AmazonBasics post-Prime Day specials? You got my interest.

Wait, what?

The unbreakable and unmistakable Red Solo Cup.

The unbreakable and unmistakable Red Solo Cup.

SeatGuru FTW. If you’re choosing a seat for an upcoming flight, or just want to browse by airline and aircraft, give it a whirl.

Life is demanding without understanding.

Oddly enough Japan was not one of the countries tested.

“According to the 2017 “Acceptance Status of Notification of Found Items and Notifications of Lost Items” by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, the number of found items delivered to the police was 3,958,366 incidents. On the other hand the number of

Seriously, you had to ask? My preference is the humble wooden clothes pin.

Seriously, you had to ask? My preference is the humble wooden clothes pin.

The same people who say EYE-raq or EYE-ran, or EYE-talians, or NOO-kyuh-luhr. IOW, Murcans.

Aw come one. Do you use the same clothes washer for your delicates that also cleans poopoo undies, stiff socks, and the bathroom mat? A dishwasher or clothes washer cleans things, with water and soap.

Aw come one. Do you use the same clothes washer for your delicates that also cleans poopoo undies, stiff socks, and

“Hey girl, am I rockin’ this Canadian tuxedo or what?

Will it be better than the 1979 TV series the nuclear-powered bullet train Supertrain? Sort of a “Love Boat” on rails.

It had swimming pools, shopping centers, a gym, library, medical center, and a disco!

Will it be better than the 1979 TV series the nuclear-powered bullet train “Supertrain”? Sort of a “Love Boat” on rails.

Dang, just put them in the darned dishwasher.

Dang, just put them in the darned dishwasher.