
Double your pleasure, double your fun?

Unless you’re running for PM of Canada.

“In most situations, any child that is born in the United States or one of its territories will automatically receive American citizenship. However, children born to diplomats and other recognized government officials from foreign countries will not receive U.S. citizenship if born on American soil. You can learn more

All politics is local; you get the government you vote for. Contrast NJ with the states out West.

Once you go deep black, you never go back.

“Two major groups that favor abortion rights chose not to criticize Kaine, with the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws noting his legislative record. “While Senator Kaine has been open about his personal reservations abut abortion, he’s maintained a 100% pro-choice voting record in the US Senate,”

“Though not personally in favor of ending marijuana prohibition, Kaine did say in a Senate hearing this May that he supports letting states implement their own laws to see what the results are. “I actually kind of like this notion of the states as labs and they can experiment [with legalizing marijuana] and we can see

When I feel thirsty and lost, I go with Dharma Iniative.

Ask the butcher then use your own home-made kalbi sauce, or go to an Asian market’s meat department which may have them already cut and marinated.

Adding a tinned sardine (just one, not the whole tin) to the tuna works wonders.

Chief Justice Roberts is still working on keeping the cool side cool, and the hot side hot.

The distraught baby opossum stops, turns to the players, and with tear-filled eyes cries, “I’ve lost my Mummy, are you my Shaddy?”.

Andrew Zimmern.

“Salgado, e muito aromático! Que gostoso!”

Well, duh!


A moat you say, AND tailgating? What a good idea!

I’ll start the day off with a Guinness Float please.