
Agreed. What they are trying to protect us from is NOT really sexual assault...if trans women (or anybody else) are legally allowed to go into a women’s restroom to go to the bathroom, it does not follow that they are legally allowed to assault people. If you want to do more to protect women from sexual assault (test

I overheard a dude on campus yesterday say that if they allow trans women into women’s restrooms then there is nothing legally to protect women and keep him from going into women’s restrooms. I want to know what he would be doing that I would not be safe? Frankly, if anyone goes in just to get their shit done, I do

Dude, I can’t imagine not laughing loudly on a wine train. If I am having a ladies night and there is wine involved, I will laugh loudly. And when I see other women doing the same I am happy for them. It’s good, clean, innocent fun. And (because I am white) nobody ever gives me shit for laughing loudly while having

The Iman interview snippet was lovely and on point. It really is damn near impossible to have everything at once, and I love to hear people say that.

I enjoyed this, but that is sadly very true.

I don’t know. He could have thought it was fun at first, trying to disprove all the feminists with his work, and only realized too late that his prof was going to call bullshit (by way of a failing grade) on his arguments that “we should all be humanists, not feminists.”

To quote my mother: “You don’t understand what feminism is, MalMalMalMal [Actually, I do given that I am close-ish to having a PhD with a Gender and Women’s Studies specislization]. The feminists just take everything too far. The feminists are the reason your father won’t hold the door.”

He's a humanist, not a feminist!

She does not say that she was the most slut shamed person ever. She did not say she lived a less than privileged life. She said she experienced slut shaming, which she did. Lots of girls date lots of guys in their early twenties, and that does not make them a crazy whore. Just because she in many ways lives a blessed

Why will the scars be on the chest, rather than lower abdomen? Am I missing an expression?

God bless her, I can't get past the hideous hair to notice the white dress.

What a cutie!

Uhm, a predatory animal held in captivity followed its natural instincts. I feel deeply sorry for this woman and her family and colleagues, but that is a dangerous profession that she chose to go into, because tigers are tigers. Fuck you, not the tiger.

All of this is devastating, but I really worry for the tiger :(

Say what you will, that baby looks hella happy.

I have nothing valuable to add. Just wanted to say that she is adorable and funny, and I have loved her since The Office. “My hair is my room.”

Yes. My sympathy only goes so far. When they act like autism is a fate worse than death (which is essentially what many of the anti-vaxxers are doing), I get next level pissed off.

Meanwhile, I while watchand usually love pretty much any Melissa McCarthy movie, regardless of the reviews (sup Tammy!).

There was that time her pants fell down though. Back privates everywhere!

Woman who looks like Eva Longoria works at computer. Good for her.