
When I hear about a depressed person committing suicide, part of me feels regretful that it came to that but the rest of me is glad that the person is no longer suffering. If this girl had suffered her own bouts of depression and suicidal thoughts, I can quite easily see how she would think she was doing the right

She actually demonstrated knowledge that what she did was socially unacceptable and something for which she could get into trouble. She never acknowledged (that I saw) that her actions were morally wrong.

I can’t imagine why she left him.

I’ve been raped and (many years later) the “consensual rape” thing really works for me. And I don’t even feel slightly “appropriated” that someone who hasn’t been would enjoy the scenario. Do what works for you! I felt a little weird about pursuing the fantasy for a long while but then I realized that it was a way for

This was according to an ex girlfriend. She was pretty obviously right about him but unless the guy was forcibly committed to a mental institution, there’s no way for a gun seller to know what problems he had.

BMW owners are the most exacting (and exhausting) customers but they also tend to be more tech-savvy than your average bear and willing to go to great lengths to troubleshoot. Toyota owners, not too savvy on the tech side (especially Prius owners) but tend to be very patient and laid back about things. Lexus owners...

Maybe it’s a personality type thing? Working in car electronics, I quickly came to associate certain vehicle makes with certain personality types among my customers. I wonder of the field of astrophysics attracts women less likely to stay quiet about harassment?

Does it anywhere specify if the “respondents” were male or female? It seems to specifically omit that which would imply it was both.

Our professor eval forms are VERY specific, asking for 1-5 ratings of things like textbook use, syllabus clarity, following of the syllabus, lecture clarity, tests being returned promptly, assignment feedback, etc. If I was giving poor feedback on a teacher, it always fell within one of the given areas. I don’t give a

I picked up a new book to read based on a personal recommendation. I haven’t even glanced at the author’s name yet, nor checked to learn their gender or race. Now I’m not sure I want to.

When someone uses exclamation points to end all their sentences, I feel like my hair is getting blown back. “Woah, settle down, there. I just needed some eggs from the store.”

Well that’s what I’m trying to say, I think. Good training teaches you to recognize your limits and what you don’t know. The gym where I train has classes for kids and teenagers are allowed to train with the adults so I’ve trained with kids as young as 14. They have all shown remarkable self-awareness and good

Right?? Some cops pursue krav training independently but it would sure be neat if they made a modified version part of police training.

“Confident” means that if I’m within arm’s reach of the gunman, I feel better about my chances of survival by disarming him than I would by running from him.

Muay Thai and Krav Maga are very different in that regard. Krav Maga is specifically designed to get out of dangerous situations. It isn’t to be employed casually but it is designed for speed, aggression and practicality. The whole object of the training is to simulate real life situations so one can both make the

While I agree with your assessment of teenagers, committing to learning a self defense system or a martial art comes with a good deal more than just the basic techniques. A good instructor will also be teaching good tactical decisions and most students will learn fast and hard exactly how weak they are when the

There’s a thin advantage in the fact that most gunmen aren’t expecting to be engaged. That said, you need a decent amount of training to hone your aggression before you’re ready to pursue a course of action like the one shown.

The person would need to make the decision to try to escape or to engage (which may or may not involve running a SHORT distance toward the gunman), but once the decision is made to engage, you don’t disengage until the threat is neutralized - restrained, unconscious or dead. Good krav training involves learning how to