
How do these guys get money? Is it donations? Is there some kind of grant? I just can't imagine being a professional hand-wringing moral outrage factory pays the bills.

My mom tried this on my brother and I when we were preteens and the internet was just just becoming a thing, though it was less of a "force your kids to call you" thing and more of a "force your kids to not be on the internet" thing, which is a fight that's largely been abandoned these days thankfully.

My god yes. I was so pumped to play this thing last night, and for the first 20 minutes or so I was on the edge of my seat cackling alternately with glee and terror. This is totally what Silent Hill needs to be again — it's not Silent Hill 2 but I'll take this over any of the more recent versions in a heartbeat. It

Good to hear. I suppose on the positive side, this has spurred Gawker to fix the system on a deeper level and harden the whole thing against trolling, which as a lot of people have pointed out it was kind of staggeringly open to.

I think the biggest plus side to all of this is that Microsoft is unlikely to pursue this strategy further. Nothing flags a tactic as "shitty idea" like a massive PR flameout. I expect them to go back to the well and think of a newer (hopefully better thought out) tactic to get Xbox One sales jumpstarted.

I figured it was because they're Pagan Min's guys he shipped up from Hong Kong. He basically had a private army there that got forced out, according to his Wiki Page:

I wound up enjoying Far Cry 3 a lot more than I was expecting to (50+ hours on my first playthrough and didn't even notice!) and everything Ubisoft is showing me makes me want this more. It looks like they've fixed the few complaints I had from Far Cry 3, too. More mission variety (although that could just be

I think Battlefield 4 got the proverbial Golden Ticket because that game never should've made it through cert, but yeah if you're going to let a bunch of glaring errors slide you'd figure patches and updates would ALSO get the Golden Ticket otherwise you get...Well. What we got.

What's the difference between TRCs and TCRs? YOU HAVE THREE SECONDS TO ANSWER GO GO GO

One of these days marketing departments will figure out Twitter (protip duders DON'T ASK QUESTIONS ON IT THAT AREN'T "DO YOU WANT A FREE THING Y/N?").

Well this is pretty welcome news. This looked interesting, but not enough to want to purchase a new console just to play it; I'll definitely pick it up for something I already own, though.

So uh. I hated Molten Core and I can't understand why anyone would like that place besides nostalgia.

Not gonna lie, between the saved-the-game Reaper of Souls expansion and some of the newer content I've seen Blizzard working on (UPDATED CHARACTER MODELS OH MY GOD THANK YOU) I went ahead and reupped to WoW after 4 years sober.

And God help me, a week in and I'm having an absolute blast in a way that four years of

I see this phrase get tossed around a lot and I'm not entirely sure what it means: "I game to relax". You can't relax because of the medium you're playing the game on? There's something inherently unrelaxing about using a keyboard versus a controller? Do the controls not vanish for you after 10 minutes or is the

Kinda curious, Nathan: Was there any real negativity directed at the con or its attendees by outside groups? I can totally imagine something like this getting protested or at the very least seriously harassed had it been organized not too terribly long ago. Threats to boycott sponsors, etc.

If none of that happened,

Did you guys ever read Biomega? It's by the same author, Tsutomu Nihei, as the Knights of Sidonia manga, and it also features a giant talking anthropomorphic bear (although male) who loses his hand in the first act.

Really, depending on how you interpret the ending, acts as something of a precursor to Knights of

Relevant Story time!