If you have an iPhone, I highly recommend "Fog of World" it doesn't do heat maps to show how often you visit, but it does let you "uncover" new streets as you go, erasing more and more of the fog covering over the whole globe when you start.
If you have an iPhone, I highly recommend "Fog of World" it doesn't do heat maps to show how often you visit, but it does let you "uncover" new streets as you go, erasing more and more of the fog covering over the whole globe when you start.
Pfff, I lived those, and I have to say, if some kid comes along and doesn't know what a floppy disk is, I will be jealous, not sad. Floppies where terrible, I routinely ran into data corruption, a problem I haven't had in years. Good Riddance.
Yeah, no, I tried this out several times today and the public transportation directions are down right atrocious. They gave me walking directions to the start of the bus line that went diagonally across a highway and through a bunch of houses and buildings, then a half mile on the bus, and then another walking path…
Yeah, I buy as much media as I can afford, almost to the dollar sometimes, so there is no possible way that they could get even a few more dollars out of my wallet even if all piracy was eliminated, it would just mean that my purchases would be less informed, and therefore less satisfactory.
Those are being tested and are supposed to come out soon.
Except that gold's extremely useful electrical properties would probably help recreate a lot of the way we create electronics, and a so cheap gold while disrupting certain economies could be quite beneficial in the long run.
Its a smart business move for those companies, because it makes it look like a deal to the customer, when really you are within a return period and could just give them back an open box product that they then would have to heavily discount in order to resell, OR they can just offer this and you get your little bit of…
This is a kickstarter gadget, I have one from when I backed it months ago ;)
Even in the US there are places that have cheap enough chopsticks that you might get a splinter in your hand if you don't do something about it.
money talks
Sure, If cell phones didn't exist, or if they where too expensive for the average person to afford, or even if they where in an area that had no coverage at all, then this would just be a blurb about how sad it is that this couple died.
My 3Gs is two and a half years old and it just got a brand new update last week
Ads are put in by the content creator on youtube, google only offers it to them but does not enforce its use.
I was just at the Scandia in Fairfield last night, and it's true that they do have some classic machines and even those ones listed, the joust and asteroids cabinets (and a few others) are being stored unplugged behind a row of mostly broken pinball machines :(
the mini