Why? For posting a link to a story about a Democratic primary candidate showing his ass that for some mysterious reason Splinter hasn’t covered yet?
This is my fuckin problem with Bernie. He had three fuckin years to come up with a better answer and he didn’t do shit. He deserves to lose the nomination again.
From your link:
He already effectively endorsed him this morning.
“Society cannot and should not except [yet another homophobe confused by homophones] this behavior.”
As much as I despise social media, I have to say it does serve a useful purpose as a honeypot for morons, racists, and dipshits of all stripes to eagerly and willingly let the world know exactly what—not who—they really are.
He says he is “offended” THREE TIMES in a paragraph. That’s a lot of white tears and hurt fee fees.
Freedom of speech doesn’t shield you from consequences. The fact that he deleted the comments show what a punk this clown is. Oh last I checked BBQ doesn’t begin with a Q. It’s one thing to be a prejudiced asshole being an ignorant one is worse. Then again those two things seem to go hand in hand.
Joe and Bernie are both too old.
You probably need more practice, that’s all.
Have Great Hill said when the Bobs are arriving?
Or Pelosi realizes that there’s nothing sexy to go after with Trump and she wants to stop wasting time and start building a legislative agenda.
Symbolic support for policies that have no chance of passing is an entirely different kettle of fish—both politically and in terms of how it would be perceived in those circles of people that are only political on election day—from initiating impeachment proceedings that are practically guaranteed to be symbolic.
Look, we all saw Trump bait Elizabeth Warren with the DNA nonsense, and if what you want is for the Dems to advance towards impeachment, knowing Republicans will shoot it down in the Senate, all so Trump can take another victory lap just like he did after Barr’s summary, and use that going into the 2020 elections,…
How do you see potential impeachment proceedings shaking out, and what do you think the aftermath would be?