That Crazy One

That’s kind of how I’m looking at it, too; it’s a good place to start. Be interesting to see how this goes, grows and shifts.

This show looks too cute and I really should check it out. I just started playing FFXIV a couple of months ago and am trying to nudge That Crazy BF to play it with me, but at least we both have a good amount of experience with MMOs. \0/ *yay us?*

Fuck’s sake, you gotta warn people before you put that up, gods bless, that shudder damn near broke my spine! If that don’t get me, the choking on coffee will.

Takes a hell of a lot of makeup to try to cover ugly-ass souls... and it still fails.

He also discovered unicorns and shot 5 holes-in-one in one golf game!

This... this is getting too hard for me. Do I vote my conscience and follow my bliss? Do I accept the (possible) trends?

BF and I only recently decided to give into the hype we hear about Rick and Morty and give it a watch. I think we tore through all of the back episodes in one or two goes. Worth It. Haven’t seen this episode yet but I’m looking forward to it!

Early on in the relationship, The Crazy BF somehow came to the conclusion that it would be nice to argue that I wasn’t really experiencing cramps and it was all in my head. In the middle of Rage Week. I spent about 20 minutes whipping tampons at him until he was ready to listen. We’re going on 16 years together this

I can’t be the only one who’s found this shitwit’s face incredibly punchable from the get-go, righ’?

I would’ve expected banjos, myself. *just rubs forehead*

14 is not a ‘small child’, for fuck’s sake. By 14, one should have a good grasp on the difference between right and wrong, assuming the parents are not failures on a fundamental level. These little bastards do not need protection. This was not an ‘accident’, this was attempted murder. That’s an adult crime and they

I was all for screaming ‘harpy’ at the monitor until I saw my squishy overlord’s name. *bows head and starts attempting to grow tentacles*

To be fair, there is no way to take a nice picture of an ugly git.

Nothing would make me happier than to get close enough to beat that yam-hued personification of a rectal prolapse in the head with a brick until the twitching stops. All I have is rage.

‘Compassion’.... that fucking bigoted Keeb probably can’t even spell it.

It’s gotten to the point that seeing any general image of Trump makes me want to set him on fire. Or hold his head under the water until the bubbles stop. That is a creature who deserves to be shoved in a sealed suit full of bullet ants, I swear to Azathoth.

I would very much like to ask him a) when did he decide he was straight and b) when he decided that, instead of being an open and decent person who deals in actual facts, he’d rather be the gormless fuckmuppet he is today.

Now that is a classy hammer, isn’t it? *nods sagely*

At this point, I am sustained only by rage and disgust. Keeps my blood pressure at a healthier level.

Leave the radios and Limbaugh fans to me and my hammer. I’ll fix it. *bats eyes innocently*