
If it means I can easily get the info I need for my job, then I'm all for it. Speed is of the essence of what I need to do.

@Tristan Lenzo: Overlap. No way that they would land or takeoff so close to each other. Besides, for the take off, the lead plane would be fine but the others after it would get torn up or at least crash.

Sure, chip away at the melting ice!

@mkirkland: My god... Hurry up and file a class action lawsuit against that lady now! We want x amount in damages and for her to fix the Sun!

Well, lady. I'm going to claim ownership of whatever stars boyfriend everywhere and somewhere has named/claimed for his girlfriend. I will charge everybody 1 US cent for use! Per star.

Hrmm... I sense something here.

I have an odd feeling that life on Earth is nothing more than a data storage facility for aliens...

@jms: As well as showing his nice butt in his Lees jeans.

@Zinger314: You mortally wounded your partner. YOU WANTED ITS INSURANCE, DON'T YOU!?

@vinter: This is the sort of story you take to the grave with you! :D

@Manly McBeeferton: Mike Rowe in space? Next step up the scale is him doing a space opera...

Moffett Field please.

LA sliding into the ocean? WHAT!?

@Gravity: Sure but if you fail to take them down for the count... expect a hail of lead and rockets to come your way.

@neMouse: That is why you always pack it the best you can and to pack it like ti will go through a war zone...

@Jackstick: You are Jackstick. Thus you are not God.

@Infernorhythm: Whoops, I mis-typed. Sorry, brain fart and yes. The classical ones are haunting.