
Delivery drivers of all types will throw a fit.

@ellemdee: Not to mention that you can patch it up easily.

@tsunamino: </3 Battle of Yonkers. Everything that could go wrong, did. :(

Isn't the first picture a concept art for the movie, instead of a fan art?

@Infernorhythm: Now I'm reverse from you. I love modern zombies and old fashioned vampires like Carmilla and Dracula. The old style zombies and new style vampires... not so much.

Alaskan weather is no joke... even with a very expensive fighter. Hope he is okay.

Okay, I have a mission to go out and find it now.

Oh hey, I can place them to the folks at the pickup location at the airport that I use at times for work! Not like it really matters...

When I first learned that mitochondria produces ATP/energy with a very turbine like structure, I was slightly blown away but when you think about it, it make sense.

I just giz my pants... now who wants to rob a bank so we may afford such a beast?

Actually, taking the SF Bay Area would be pretty hard, I think. Its pretty easy to get trapped in the peninsula. I would actually let them take San Francisco and then isolate them in there to fight them until they give up.

@rathat: Well, SMP server. Lets see what the folks there can do...

@rathat: I might get on it right now. This might go down to or near bedrock...

Is going to space dangerous? Absolutely.

@captain_zilog: Well, LA is the exception! No one will care!

@captain_zilog: LA please. They are a plaque upon this world.

@doggdiggity: When I was a kid, I was like "Hey, what will I get this time?". Once I got it and played with it during that one single meal, it was pretty much trash.

@GregEganist: Well, that explains why that area in California has so many LITTLE earthquakes.

Seriously. I am going to punch the next Guy Fawkes masked person I see.