Malia Nash

Really? I didn't, that really blew me. It was so totally necessary because the MM would never stop. But I thought Lexa would do it. I didn't think that Clarke was there yet; making the truly hard decision. I'm glad it was her because I really didn't want to spend the entire next season on Lexa and the Grounders'

Damn Jacon, you're spot on today. I didn't even think about her going to Mt. Weather but yeah where else is she going to find food and shelter and protection?

Good one.

So you expected Clarke to air gas all those children? And you expected Lexa to betray the alliance? And for the warrior class grounders to turn tail and run minutes before breaching the gate of the people who tyrannized them for decades? You expected Lexa to believe the MM and leave them with their defenses and

Agreed, they should have buried the dead and stayed there. But somehow I think the writers aren't paying attention to detail.

I'm into vengence and your Cage eating Emerson sounds "delish" lol. I especially loved Lincoln's parting words to Cage, "the first shot hurts the most". YEAH!!!

Lexa was known as a different leader so unless the other leaders were enlightened, we can conclude that she was suppose to be exactly that. One really good example of "enlightenment" was Lexa unifying not just the Grounders but the sky people. As humanity evolved, enlightened leaders learned the value of unification.

Ok, really Laughing Out Loud. Coffee Grounders from Columbia I assume?

I agree with your grade for part 1 but I give part 2, a definite A. I really didn't think the show could be salvaged after Lexa's betrayal because it made zero sense and was so out of character for a warrior class leader who was supposed to be enlightened.

You may be right; in fact, I'm sure you are as Lincoln is now a part of the Sky people and Octavia is part of the Grounders so they cannot be gone for good, but they have lost their importance as Clarke has shown that the Sky people do not need them.

Yes they did, but it turned out not to be hopeless. They kept to Clarke's character and I may be a terribly vengeful person but I loved how she took them down.

I am a vengeful person…I LOVED this episode! Of course Clarke will never forgive Lexa, her betrayal gave her no choice but to massacre the MM. Her difficulty in accepting what she HAD to do was in perfect alignment with her character so I accept her self conflagration but personally I loved how just something as

Ok, we'll know in a few hours how this really ends, however; in the event that the writers actually read comments, I wanted to comment on a statement one of the producers made today that Clarke will come to one day understand why Lexa betrayed her, that being a leader is making a wise not necessarily easy choice, and

Nice synopsis.

The writers are either extremely bad in making this truce, they have written Lexa as more of a Sky person than a grounder. After all, making a truce, desiring to save one's people from dying in battle, that sounds more like Clarke than Lexa.

What's so interesting and complex about a leader that lies, makes promises she doesn't keep, and betrays those who have made it possible to be rid of a group that has tyranized her people for decades? A leader like that is called a BAD, shortsighted leader that sacrifices all for her own narcissism.

I think the only way out of this that would make sense and be consistent with who and what the grounders are would be for Lexa to take her people and flood the mountain via the tunnels. They would then massacre all the mountain people. When Clarke sees that Lexa has gone against her "sky people" way of this just

She didn't betray them YET. But she DID betray the alliance which the Sky people was a part of. She could betray a tribe and tell the other 11, I didn't betray any of you, just this one.

I feel your pain.

If a leader who betrays and lies and not keep promises doesn't seem to pose a problem to the people she leads, then those people can't be helped. And if you can't see these traits as a deal breaker, I can't help you to comprehend. Sorry but most people think they are worth better than that from someone they would