Malia C.

Yeah, wiki had a brief sketch. I had no idea, I assumed maybe decent roles had just dried up for her. I guess she wrote an autobiography about her mental illness last year; I might check it out. She was so lovely in "A River Runs Through It."

I am guessing there will be only one :)

Let me be blunt: Fuck pride. You paid into that unemployment, and you are entitled to claim it. I quit a job when I saw the writing on the wall because I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of firing me, and man, what a mistake. They didn't care either way, and I cheated myself out of benefits that, for all

About a decade ago, I legally changed my name (wiping out first, middle and last from my parents) and up and moved far far away. Although the unemployment happened long after, being an introvert by nature (except when I'm drunk), I didn't really have a wide social circle outside of a cat and was very estranged from my

You should be able to qualify for unemployment, though, unless your employer actually tries to classify your termination as being for "gross misconduct."

Wasn't Adam Sandler in Fifty First Dates a vet?

But she is getting free snacks.

Hey, Bill Pullman wasn't a moving van guy, he was a furniture builder-slash-estate pillager.

He doesn't even have to be an abortionist. Although I enjoyed Waitress, it's incredibly creepy that she has an affair with her gynecologist. I mean. Just…no.

I've seen He's Just Not That Into You far too many times - it's light and enjoyable and E! seems to go through weeks where it runs on a constant loop - but I didn't realize until this article exactly what the hell Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Connellly were supposed to be doing for a living. I

I have a soft spot for that film. It's fluff, but very well-done fluff. And seeing a beautiful, age-appropriate woman as the romantic lead is precious.

Are we sure they weren't? I refuse to subject myself to that film again, but it seemed like everyone had some ridiculous job that overpaid them for doing absolutely nothing.

And it even uses one of the professions from today's AVC piece of rom-com career staples in its conclusion.

The trailer debuted in August and was pulled in October after the film was delayed. Pardon me if I don't quite buy your agony.