
Was really close to trading in my 2010 Mazda 3 for one but it came down to the premiums they were costing in my region too.

The automatic Fits also aged well. Automatic Fiestas had transmission drama.
But seriously Fit has like 30% more cargo room than a fiesta its unreal.

Wait until you have to pay a mechanic to replace an EGR valve on a 128i.
On the fit its 2 bolts and on top of the engine, easy to access. This is also true of many other long life repairs on a Fit.

The answer is always: A slower, cheaper car with money to pay for tires, track time, or diapers.
Never blow your full budget on something you don’t have the room to let it run.

Look Trump was a melting pot of awful that voted for him, any respectful optimism that morons won’t get votes is pretty shortsighted when you look at the Trump ticket hangers on who rode his coattails into office.

I was going for a pun because you know.... lifted beyond usability.

Seriously though this is a highly modified 19 year old pickup with bald tires sporting an aesthetic.  What is the right price?  $20k buys lots of iron seems steep for something that is all show and limited go.

Quit trying to edgelord, while there are awful CEO’s very few have the Billionaire-class EGOT of:

Elon has been named in Epstein’s parties, has had a very tumultuous relationship with his children and ex wives. Committed multiple securities frauds and pays his factory workers below UAW, violates labor laws, and doesn’t report OSHA violations.

Follow-up her husband was a Veterans coordinator so...yeah likely ex-military.


The fact that he didn’t just ask her to back up and remind her he’s an officer tells me everything about who he thought he was.

The secret service is one of the most selective armed forces on the planet. The Secret Service assigned to the Bonespur Battalian are at the top of their careers.

He 100% was having a shit-fit and didn’t want to delete the post so they had 3 hours of negotiations while he kicked his ball down the fairway and Lindsay pretended not to notice how many Titleist’s magically appeared with his name on it in the middle of the fairway. 

If you read the sourced article, Sam failed to articulate that the security prevented the organizers from pulling the power to the stage and electrical.
The crowd ate it up as you can see on twitter of them singing along.

If his legs were on the dash he might have avoided said injury. There are numerous cases of airbags and things not expecting limbs there and shattering them or breaking them.
Sounds to me he was in a tragic accident that left him in a wheelchair, but it was made more tragic that he didn’t understand how the safety

We both know that only like 5% will be able to peace out the rest will have to be gogols or work as NPCs.

And then they attempted a military succession,became traitors and insurrectionists. Fought a long protracted war that killed more US civilians and armed services than any to date. Lost said war, signed a surrender which prevented each and everyone of them from being hanged for treason.
Another stipulation of the