
My nephew already has that from his adoption by my sister in law. Like he’s a young adult now but he has expressed so much concern he will “lose his second mom.”
And that’s a successful adoption story, this...this is not that and makes me very worried about the situation at home for her other children.

They could join domestic police forces, FBI, DEA, ICE, or even just do what they seem to be doing...but legal. Join a security company, but don’t break our laws or international ones.

Not just greasy tires but brand new bikes need to be broken in for a reason. Not just for longevity but throttle controls might not be linear (on the pre-drive by wire).

Look I completely agree with you, our testing has left us with so many unknown unknowns.

Look I realize you are in the middle of a fight with another poster but the false binary of “There is no 100 pure data and therefore we must trust all data much less” doesn’t serve us all.
This site does a good job breaking down which states have good quality and which have bad quality:

I mean he’s above my net empathy asset threshold (NEAT) so if he has problems he can deal with it.

That’s like saying “I wake up after blacking out drinking bottom shelf shnapps, I am Walt Whitman” Its what you do outside the bar.

Oh wow, full line spacing after each sentence. Really makes your point hammer home. Your argument is the stuff of barroom philosophers.
Have a good day.

Well its also the most powerful and all-aligning human achievement since fire. But sure, lets all parrot reductive and narrow-minded absolutes like it does anything but validate someone’s total lack of engagement.

Well glad you have some options. Though forgive me if I have less empathy for your predicament because the hills that make the best wines outside of New Zealand block your TV.
Ultimately the US should move to internet as strategic utility for so many reasons but comms with the populace should be principle.

Can I buy Puts on this guy’s teeth?

Than inbev and Miller-Coors-Modelo should do what craft breweries frequently do. Capture the fermentation CO2 and use it to force carbonate their products. It requires a CO2 pressure vessel and mild pressurization pump.

Ethanol was a Republican boondoggle that was attached to CAFE and other ecological bills.  Basically its the inbred cousin of the Farm subsidy bill that Republicans have to hand out to the welfare states where food is grown.

Hrmm, usually when people say they can’t get service its due to man made line of sight transmission issues < have you tried this?
Put in address (or your neighbors) and it gives you LOS distances and directions for nearest broadcast towers.

If you can’t get reception your cable provider is required by law to provide “Antenna Service” for about 5 bucks. They will not advertise it and sometimes pretend it doesn’t exist.

It exists and it’s required by the FCC so push for it and demand a supervisor if they don’t provide.  I trust you have tried using HD

Its worth noting that the Postal Service isn’t actually governmentally funded. They do not get funds from the government as a budget, but rather their budgets and funding is directly tied to the postage paid by users of the USPS.
They also are not legally allowed to change the costs for postage so they are more like an

I was thinking this the entire time.

One of the very few uplifting Black Mirror Episodes.  Title is in the linked video.

Because it ends in a circular bit that is really depressing.

Why no Ruckus? Sorry for multiday reply had to go on digital hiatus.