I do the same thing with my 4 and 5 year old. But only at gas stations - you can see your car from most anywhere in the store! I wouldnt leave them to run inside a grocery store or anything like that where I'd lose site for several minutes.
I do the same thing with my 4 and 5 year old. But only at gas stations - you can see your car from most anywhere in the store! I wouldnt leave them to run inside a grocery store or anything like that where I'd lose site for several minutes.
By James Franco
Vin Diesel is a legit nerd and he is also fucking awesome.
Practically speaking, it doesn’t really matter too much. He will get life without parole on this verdict alone.
I’m sorry, but that is a WEAK argument. You change a system from the inside.
Cool thing about arguing with yourself is you get to determine the strength of your opponents position.
Michelle: "Hey Dub, you see Joe making a beeline for your daughters over there, right?"
To be honest, I bet they geniunely enjoy and like each other.
Yeah, the difference between Iggy and Eminem (other than pure talent) is that Eminem doesn't strap on an affected "hip-hop" voice and accent. He is who he is.
I remember reading Michelle Dean's Gawker piece on Harper Lee and the people around her last summer. Maybe this is an undiscovered gem that Ms. Lee wants published. I just can't help but feel that Ms. Lee is surround by people eagerly awaiting any opportunity to take advantage. I hope I'm wrong.
Whenever I'm on the phone with my partner, brainstorming for a solution to an issue or a way around a roadblock, I always ending up unconsciously walking around. Then all of a sudden the phone call is over and I'm left wondering why I'm on another floor in a storage closet.
I appreciate the advice!
It's a daunting task, trying to figure out the best way of addressing it!
As a parent with a 5 year old and a 4 year old this is something I've been thinking about more lately. I asked my son this past Tuesday whether his teacher talked about MLK Jr. and he responded "how did you know?" I asked what he learned about MLK and he says "he talked to people." Can't argue with that, I suppose.
Glad to see you guys are finally reading my fucking emails.
A buddy of mine from Australia came to the states on vacation to hit Vegas and NYC. Anyway, he walks into a Starbucks and there is what can be fairly described as a big beautiful black woman there to take his order. He says (and this is 100% true) "I'd like a tall black, please." Without missing a beat she sighs…
Speaking in absolutes about human behavior betrays a very poor understanding of the subject.
Oh my god. Go lay down; you're delerious.
I think a more appropriate idea would be something like a minor under a certain age can't be driven more than 50 miles or over state lines or something like that.
I think that tying tips to bother servers and cooks is a great model. Two of the primary factors tippers take into account are quality of food and the time spent waiting for it. The cooks hold the vast majority of the power as to those factors - in some ways the cooks hold more power over perceived service quality…