Benevolent Hobo

I think that tying tips to bother servers and cooks is a great model. Two of the primary factors tippers take into account are quality of food and the time spent waiting for it. The cooks hold the vast majority of the power as to those factors. It only makes sense tie them in.

Great work here. This took a LOT of research.

I hope you get run over.

Wait, so we're cool with cops now?

I have represented quite a few parents accused of child abuse or neglect over the years. I've had a lot of clients that refer to what is typically called "spanking" as a "beating." They use the terms interchangeably and I remember having to constantly remind them to say "spanking" not "beating." I thought that may

Aw man, that just plain sucks for the guy in the second video. Hate seeing embarrassing stuff like that happen to people.

My wife used to (and still does sometimes) watch the Kardashian show, and over time I developed a distaste for Kim K. I've maintained that distaste for quite a while. But why?

That video crossed the line between amusing and obnoxious like 30 seconds in.

And what country do you live in? If you're going look down on the U.S. you need to at least make it known where it is you are looking down from.

My wife and I nearly didn't because she was crying and a little upset when we first got home from the wedding. We weren't fighting or anything - she was actually upset because she thought the whole day seemed rushed. We opted to have a smallish (40 or so people) wedding in my parents back yard because it was a nice

I'm so sick of this "'murica" meme. Particularly when it comes from Europeans. Many Europeans have this idea that there is some sort of "standard-issue" American. It is understandable, I suppose - the US as a country is much more diverse than the vast majority of European countries. The lack of diversity within

You can't spell J-U-S-T-I-C-E without A-N-G-R-Y M-O-B.

How do people laugh and point at shit like this? I see an immature and probably insecure person that just got humiliated on stage in front of a large crowd of his peers.

The number of journalists, commenter and interested parties climbing all over each other to scream from the top of their lungs how outraged they are and how much they "get it" when they are really, at least partially, pandering - it's disgusting. Its a mob out of control reminiscent of the zombies climbing up the

Thanks man. He really is an awesome guy. Adrian Peterson could be too.

My father was loving and caring when I was a child - and he still is. That said, he grew up in an old-school, southern baptist family and he mimicked that style as a young parent because that was the model he had to go by (I am the oldest child). When I got trouble I was spanked by hand, a wooden paddle, and less

Yeah I definitely get that now that you mention it.

No, they act like people whose financial success is tied to their ability to play well. When they don't play well they make less money. When they struggle at work, it is in front of a ton of people, cameras, etc. It gets frustrating to a level many people don't experience, I would imagine.

fair enough, I get where you're coming from u suppose

You've never actually played TLOU but you are ready to say that WD did better story-wise?