
I don’t see why they should get a minute less of prison time. They are every bit as guilty as him.

That’s a list of guys who weren’t given a pass. Johnny Cash never abused anyone and bottomed out pretty hard on drugs before coming back. Madonna said under oath that Sean Penn never laid a hand on her, yet people continue to say he did as if it’s fact.

It’s been long enough that being old isn’t an excuse. Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill was 25 years ago, and as it showed, that crap wasn’t considered normal office behavior even back then.

Attention rules

It was Actor’s Equity that criticized “Hamilton”. Nobody put up a screenshot of copyrighted material.

Thank you. On his comedians/cars/coffee show, Seinfeld put it this way when talking whether his wife gets mad at him- (paraphrased)- She knows I have no idea what I’m saying. I just saw a connection that seemed funny and said it. It may not have anything to do with how I feel.

In the same vein, he killed two white cops and has a record of assault and DUI, but we’re talking about his Confederate flag. He’s a murderer and there’s nothing that links it to his racism.

It means neither because we could begin correcting it within two years. And have him be a memory in 4. The same country that is allowing Trump to make a mockery of our election also elected Obama in 2008 and 2012 and is about to elect the first woman President.

Nah, Amelia loved doing that stuff. Man, just get her a couple of gin and tonics, and she would go on and on about how the government killed McKinley and how she was going to fake her death so that she could live among the tribes of Melbourne.

No more than people who voted for Ted Cruz should be for Trump.

Young people also change though.

Why do jezebel writers put a lot of thought and effort into articles like this but can’t be bothered to even check a 2nd source for political articles?

He lost because the economy tanked.

People seem to think they’re supposed to say every choice is brave or empowering.

I don’t think it’s really built into society. Men who are obsessed with power end up getting it because they want it the most (or will do the most to get it). They also leverage whatever power they have to get what they want.

Ahhh...Bernie Bro.

It was legally okay. But there’s no doubt why she did it.

Not to mention that this type of objectification happens so much more frequently to women. They already face so much pressure to be attractive that eating disorders are an epidemic.

It’s probably 99% likely that Uber’s policies aren’t discriminatory, and that these drivers are going against company policy.

There will still probably be two different solutions though. The cure for ingrained self-hatred isn’t the same as the cure for hating others.