
It’s always amazing how little say communities have in deciding what they’re called. White liberals mean well, but it seems like the same thing over and over. The community in question doesn’t care about the term but needs better schools/roads/jobs. Then the white liberals just focus on changing the term or team name

I can cure you of this fear of cults. I’ll just need you to move into the compound...

The fly in your ointment is that she got approval from Beyonce ahead of time. The real question is why the artist’s opinion doesn’t matter.

Yep...the government can provide stability, but it will kill competition. And if it kills enough competition, there goes the stability too.

One thing we’ll have to accept if we move to single payer is that we’re going to take the economy into recession. The healthcare and health insurance industries are too large and currently have growth too high for anything else to happen.

Yeah, regardless of if it’s left or right, people more towards the edges lose the ability to see the larger picture. Taken separately, issues where liberals want the government to have more power in the economy make sense. But if you put them all together, you have a slow moving, uncompetitive government controlling

The think I like about Rob Manfred is that I always forget the MLB Commisioner is Rob Manfred.

I’m looking for a silver lining...I guess the one good thing is that, since it appears that serial rapists are a fucking epidemic, once we finally take rape seriously, we should be able to prevent a lot more from happening quickly.

I wish she had more OTown in her sound.

I prefer them having to start from the 40-midfield in the pros so that they can’t throw three passes and then kick the field goal. I’d probably favor midfield so that they have to get a first down to be in range, especially as time goes on and kickers keep improving.

No it’s not. The 1000 people killed by police last year is too many, but 1.5 million cops had billions of interfacings with people over that time.

After that, let’s show everybody how righteous we are by pretending to be offended.

That’s good. Light rail is to the left what sports stadiums are to the right. City after city, including Austin, have seen their light rail end up with way less demand and higher costs than they projected.

Yep, and based on the patterns of the last 30 years, it’ll be by far most effective if it’s a middle-based party. Even someone getting 10% of the vote from the middle means changing everything. Then we wouldn’t have the issue of base candidates being favored in primaries but moderates doing better in the general. Each

He seems to think having a republic is a perversion of democracy. Which I suppose it is since it’s not the same as a nationwide democracy.

Yeah, it used to be a vaulting rule, then they changed it for the safety of the offensive linemen (esp. deep snapper). It was never a rule where someone who can time a perfect leap over the lineman can’t have his toe touch someone’s back. It’s for if he was aided by players or put them in danger.

Yep. Every year they change rules, change responsibilities, and try to emphasize some things while de-emphasizing other. And all it does is make things more confusing and the part-time officials worse at their jobs.

So take it more seriously by lowering the punishments?

I found this article to be all over the place. She blamed the public for not caring enough about domestic violence (a sketchy charge when the vast majority of fans have been screaming at the NFL to fix their DV problem and deadspin has had pretty much the same coverage as everyone else). But then she says what the

And when Cambridge goes to a $15 per hour minimum, it’ll likely mean even more franchises and chain stores instead of mom and pop shops. The places like Starbuck and McDonald’s are who can survive.