
Yep. And to be honest, it mostly comes from within the black community. Don’t straighten your hair, but don’t wear a natural. Buy thousands in extensions and then get made fun of for having fake hair.

Maybe. Or there may have been 30 seconds in between the two. There’s never any way to know on something like that.

He’s super laidback. It works for his stand up, but I agree that it comes off as bland on TDS. He was simply the wrong choice, but apparently Bee already had her production deal in place and couldn’t take it longterm, Oliver was gone, Wilmore had his production deal in place, etc.

It’s a good reminder that people like this will eventually turn on you, no matter what. A decade of being a hilarious antidote to conservative pundits? It doesn’t matter- now he apparently doesn’t get comedy and needs to be taken down a peg. Not when someone can have three minutes of feeling righteous!

Why would anyone respond to that ridiculous call for a boycott with anything but eyerolling? That poor student made herself look like a fool and sadly didn’t seem to understand why people laughed her off.

He doesn’t purport to be a comedian. He’s a comic actor. Totally different thing.

Thing is, she isn’t switching the power dynamic, even with Hill being a rich, white male. This is a good example of how you can’t use things like gender and race to make assumptions for each individual situation.

Though it should be noted that she wasn’t purposefully attempting to insult him. She thought he’d like the joke, and her apology seemed sincere.

Both work. You, me, and everybody else often laughs at jokes that punch down.

It was weird because she mentioned that Oriental can be used for a rug, as this article reiterates.

Yeah, and it’s not just this one time. Public shaming has become America’s favorite sport.

The focus on colleges has really done a disservice to rape victims. Look at this one- they failed her, and apparently failed the five boys when they were falsely accused.

Problem is that this idea doesn’t take the market into account. If you go by HamNo’s rules, you’ll have a bunch of vacant apartments on the edge of town, which then will proceed to affect the housing in the rest of the metro area.

I’ve stopped caring. Go ahead and be backwards ass homophobes from 1955, and I’ll cheer for your economy to go in the tank. The rest of the country tried to warn them. Fuck ‘em.

Yep. Most of the time, you can’t do that. However, since the clock should’ve been run out and ended the game, they can safely say what the outcome would have been.

Or he simply wanted to show his patriotism. But if you want to take all of the dumb arguments about Kap and apply them to Amendola, feel free. Maybe it’ll get you a part as Trent Dilfer in the movie.

I don’t think it would’ve been victim blaming to add a sentence about him calling the police on Molly. It’s pertinent information to the background and doesn’t mean she is in the wrong. Hiding facts like that is very Fox Newsish.

The NFL has a violent crime rate slightly below that of the general population of males age 20-29.

The spitting on them part isn’t true though. It’s been looked at by Snopes, Cecil Adams, various reporters, etc. Not one single incident has ever been recorded, nor has anyone who had it happen to them come forward.

Though both are not the most likely to commit the crime. They’re just the ones whose cases make the news most, because they usually have white, middle-class victims.