Churches can’t have someone speak directly on who to vote for due to non-profit laws, but someone like Trump can talk about policies as much as he or she wants.
Churches can’t have someone speak directly on who to vote for due to non-profit laws, but someone like Trump can talk about policies as much as he or she wants.
I know the bubbly, happy celebrities are often the ones you have to look out for, but it’s so strange to think of Ellen being a complete asshole behind the scenes.
And it’s not like the term African American came up because black was a slur in the first place. It just wasn’t correctly descriptive.
It’s also more than a bit iffy to blame Trump’s rhetoric for a young black kid setting fire to a stranger.
Except not getting a special exemption isn’t being fucked over.
That’s because you need a prescription. Also, that is a complete false equivalency in that the actual comparison to Viagra is prescription medicine to help women lubricate, which is tax free.
The way they’d do it is giving him a poor grade, resulting in him not being back the following year.
It’s less simple the 10th time he’s run the ball and your kids are thorough intimidated by him.
Definitely. She’s sold like 12 million books. She’s funny and writes...well, beach reads. There are tons of women authors who don’t, and while I wish Weiner more success, that’s who need to look at.
No. Men and women didn’t understand what was sexual assault like we do now. By today’s standards, it might have been possible, but since you don’t know if they were too drunk, it’s impossible to say. However, the time you woke up with someone riding you would be considered rape today.
The real issue here is that Hillary, like always, had terrible timing. And Hillary, like always, kept something secret that came back to bite her in the ass.
Yep. Problem is, in that way that seems to happen to Hillary so much, it was the exact wrong timing.
I’m guessing it’s more simple. While it was only 80 degrees, she’s been fighting allergies and little problems while travelling everyday and working from sun up to sun down, and due to the Secret Service, she’s always in the middle of a crowd no matter what she does. There’s simply no way for her to step away and get…
Your dad is who we all hope to be if we’re involved in a tragedy. Give him a big kiss on the cheek for us!
As are the non-fundey pools of people.
He’s got a PhD in funkology!
Doesn’t matter.
So what? Did it appear that Richmond didn’t love Alexis? No, it’s obvious the entire family is devastated.
The sad part is that an entertainer who has been a fun part of Hollywood for 25 years died, and her family put out a statement that shows how much they loved Alexis...and immediately people began judging whether or not Richmond was being a dick and misgendering Alexis.
Sorry to sidebar, but this is a good example of why the singular they doesn’t work. David told Khloe and Alexis said they were gender suspicious. Upon first reading, there is no way not to read that as a singular reference. You have to stop down.