
I expect this sort of honesty from him. He’s not the type of player who Bortles up his emotions.

This dog has a higher IQ

How about:

“Lotche and the Pissycats”

the “Whiz Kids”?

Paul Bettany fucking sucks at diving, but he was good as the Robot Boy in Avengers 2: the Avengening.

List of things Hope Solo should not do:

They should get Garey Busey as a guest writer on gizmodo.


You’ve pissed off both the horse people and the arrow people. Ask Custer what happens next.

+1 roast beef sandwich

Usually the boos is only a problem at her family parties.

“This doesn’t offend me.”

“What an amazing tribute.” - Dan Snyder

This is most assuredly not a boneheaded decision.

Your post personifies your failure to move out of Mom’s basement and talk to a real girl.

Hey, no one can say they did Nazi this coming from her.

Sorry England, we've relegated you to CONCACAF. You just need to pip Trinidad & Tobago if you want to make it to Qatar 2022.

Chinese Super League

How’s the reception at the RNC?