This kills me to admit it, but Seattle SHOWED UP. That was legit crowd support.
This kills me to admit it, but Seattle SHOWED UP. That was legit crowd support.
#3 wouldn’t even move the needle...everyone already presumes he was loaded with juice. Tiger also wouldn’t be a shocker, unless there was sample from 20 years ago, then it could be a bombshell, but hearing that Tiger used PEDs to try and recover from knee surgery would be no surprise.
Federer would be #1, and I only…
No, because the Senate GOP voted down that quite reasonable measure in December.
I swear I’ve actually done three of those, although two of them are really just the same janitorial job.
date rapist, gay, gay, self hating gay who gay bashes then hits adult bookstores on the other side of town, short guy, token olive skin guy.
It’s not an accident that they’re ranked 13th in the world by FIFA.
Priscilla Chinchilla: Trump’s secret service codename.
You da real MVP John Brooks.
Clunky First Touches is also the title of the memoirs commemorating my teenage years, so the SEO from this article should really boost sales.
Runs like a gazelle. Traps like a gazelle too.
Prison? You forget he’s rich.
That’s a great $20 shirt / tie combo from TJ Maxx.
I’d say “Klinsis’s favorites” are. He just sees what he sees, and probably thinks they are more “coach-able’ because they come from a system he is familiar with.
Well, Stef, i guess he just needs to...
They only have to be safer than the average human driver. They don’t have to be 100% safe.
+ .13
It’s measured in dog inches. Completely legit, just like the dude’s socks.
The judge yelled “RUMSPRINGA!!” and let Delly walk.
And remember, the Monica Lewinsky thing happened because Starr was tasked with pinning the Whitewater scandal on Bill Clinton and he couldn’t, so he went on a fishing expedition.