
Balls don’t lie.

I think the meta joke with Big Head is that the only thing in the world he has to do to be successful is stay away from Erlich.

$1.7M AND he gets to move out of Cleveland AND he gets to actually make coaching decisions? How is that a downgrade?

I think we should all take a moment, gather our thoughts, and immediately start jumping to conclusions using whatever stereotypes come to mind. Considering it’s a nice day out let’s also engage in a pointlessly hostile debate on gun control.

Offering hush money is the least egregious kind of cover up, to my mind. It’s like Manslaughter instead of murder on the cover up scale.

Hey now, they could have been threatening the victims instead.

The wall will be much bigger than 16 feet! We need to keep errant RGIII passes out and Make America Great Again!

Are you cool with the idea of outing gay people in general?

“ Mom didn’t say Griffin was special — his play did.”

3. Change our team name.

...maybe this had something to do with his decline:

Pfft, that’s nothing, I've stuck people with far worse.

-Ray Lewis.

Despite the fact that Simmons has, uh, limited camera appeal...

Fries, hush puppies, those take a fryer, and are professional side dishes.

It's nice to see the ghost of Prince has already found his calling.

Its almost as if they hated the coach and started tanking games to get him fired.

Van Gaal’s park the bus strategy fails again.

Does he take diaper foul shots to go with the chest high two hand set shot?

It’s crazy to me about the double standard people hold for athletes. A kid tweets out something stupid and it’s “Character concerns” and “maturity issues.” A full grown man tweets out some piss baby rant and it’s “Kids these days need to toughen up!”

Do Not Masturbate While Seated